Post 16 Residential Support

Through our supported accommodation we offer a warm, nurturing and safe environment for young people and care leavers to grow and develop, preparing them for an independent, self-sufficient and full life post 25.

We believe that through providing a secure, stable home, personalised support and a clear supported pathway plan towards independence, we can help all our young people achieve their maximum potential.

With access to employment, education and training, plus mentoring and encouragement to develop a daily schedule including personal care, maintaining good diet, and making good lifestyle choices, our young people develop their own independent living skills.

The over-riding aim of the post 16 units is to support our young adults to take responsibility for their own actions and to gain the skills required for the transition to self-sufficiency in adulthood. Each provision will be staffed, adapted and maintained to support the specific needs of all our residents, which will include but not be limited to accommodation and support for:


  • Looked after children, including separated children seeking asylum (SCSA) (16 to 25 years of age)
  • Care leaver (16 – 25 years of age)
  • Young people with complex needs (16 – 25 years of age)
  • Young parents and children (16 to 25 years of age)
  • Outreach support for young people and / or young parents – no accommodation required.

We help young people…


  • Budgeting skills
  • Access to college                 
  • Volunteering
  • Work experience


  • The joy of cooking
  • Savvy shopping
  • Getting around – using transport
  • Understand health and nutrition


  • Make new friends
  • Meet your wider community
  • Find your perfect job
  • Live your best life

Emergency Placements

We can accommodate same day/night emergency placements.

Contact us on 07878 080055.

If you would like to find out more please call us on 01983 402690.

Other Services


We will be offering a range of core and professional therapeutic childcare training to support and develop staff teams to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people. These will include:


  • Health & Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • First Aid
  • Fire Training
  • Lone working
  • Care planning
  • Risk assessing
  • Policies and procedures
  • P.A.C.E training
  • Psychodynamics
  • Attachment training


Services provided to clients within this category are generally provided off-site at another facility. The services are provided with associated staff and include:


  • Ofsted Reg 44 visits and reporting.
  • Management supervision / mentoring based around clinical issues with staff / clients.
  • Staff support through relational dynamics groups
  • (IQA) Internal Quality Assurance for level 3 and level 5 City and Guilds in Childcare.
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Telephone (24/7): 01983 243260


Head Office:

Unit 4A

Carisbrooke Business Park

Whitcombe Road


Isle of Wight

PO30 1YS